Deeper Church LA

We are a God-Centered Church in the heart of Los Angeles. We exist to deepen connection with God, purpose and community. Senior Leaders - Drs. Matthew & LaTasha Nesbitt.

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Monday Oct 21, 2024

Join Dr. LaTasha Nesbitt, known as Dr. Nes, as she explores the complexities of growth and transition. In this message, she discusses how transitions often lead to discomfort, the impact of the company we keep, and the importance of our conversations. Dr. Nes emphasizes the value of being submitted and immersed, growing in both depth and dimension. She reminds us that God is not a God of scarcity but rather the SOURCE of all things who can supply all of our needs. This teaching will keep you engaged and inspired.
Psalms 92:12-14
2 Cor 3:18
Amos 3:3
John 6:63
Isaiah 8:8 
Psalms 42:7
Phillippians 4:14

Sunday Oct 13, 2024

In this episode, Dr. Matt dives into Psalm 1, exploring the significance of being deeply rooted in faith. He draws on the imagery of the growing tree in the passage to illustrate the key characteristics of spiritual growth. Dr. Matt shares three vital points to help believers become rooted: Proper Positioning, Practicing God’s Presence, and Embracing the Pruning Season. Tune in for an insightful message on how to nurture a life rooted in God. 
Psalms 1:1-3
Colossians 3:16
John 15:2 (NLT)

Monday Oct 07, 2024

Tune in to this insightful message as Dr. Matt explores the journey of spiritual maturity. He teaches on the different stages of growth and the concept of sonship, highlighting how spiritual inheritance is often tied to our development in grace. Discover how to overcome carnality and fully embrace the process of spiritual growth.
Ephesians 2:8
John 1:14
2 Peter 3:18
Romans 8:17
Ephesians 1:3
1 Cor 3:1-3 
Heb 5:12 
Colossians 3:16
James 4:17
Hebrews 5:14
Ephesians 4:14 
James 4:7
1 Cor 13:11
1 Cor 6:18

Monday Sep 30, 2024

In this message Dr. Matt discusses how are purpose often involves other people. It’s possible to get so distracted by what the enemy is doing in our lives that we miss moments of ministry for other people. In Act 16 - Dr. Matt releases strategies on how to master our midnight season and position ourselves for a supernatural release from God! 
Acts 16: 25-31 
Jeremiah 29:11
Ephesians 6:12
Psalms 34:1
1 Thess 5:17
Psalms 22:3 
Heb 12:17

Monday Sep 23, 2024

Does your life feel limited, restricted, or boxed in? God’s desire is for you to experience freedom and step into a life of advancement and abundance. Join Dr. Matt as he explores a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus when He evaluates His relationship with His disciples. Peter boldly declares that Jesus is the Christ, unlocking supernatural keys to the Kingdom. It’s your time to function full access! 
 Matthew 16:13-202 Cor 4:7Psalms 34:192 Cor 4:17

Sunday Sep 15, 2024

In this message, Dr. Matt explores the power of the church and the importance of community. Drawing from Acts 14, he reflects on how Paul and Barnabas faced intense spiritual warfare as they sought to advance the gospel. Paul, after being stoned, is supported by the surrounding community of disciples, who stand with him in one of his lowest moments. Tune in to discover how God-given community plays a vital role in fostering strength, purpose, and resilience.
Acts 14:19-22Matt 16:18Acts 2:41Acts 2:26Rom 8:391 Cor 13:4-81 John 4:18 Psalms 27:5Proverbs 11:14
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Monday Sep 09, 2024

In this message, Dr. Matt examines the life of Daniel, exploring how he maintained an excellent spirit despite the challenges of living in Babylonian culture. Faced with numerous tests, Daniel’s life reveals timeless principles that can guide us today. Discover how to break free from mediocrity and embrace a life of excellence and growth.
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Sunday Sep 01, 2024

Join Dr. Matt as he explores Acts 9, highlighting the story of Dorcas—a woman known for her good deeds who faced a challenging situation. Discover how God led her to embrace purposeful partnerships to fulfill her mission. This message will equip you with the tools to cultivate God-given relationships while setting boundaries that foster an atmosphere of miracles and breakthroughs in your life!
Acts 9:36-41
Matt 5:16
Psalms 133:1-2
Mark 7:13

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

Tune into this podcast as Dr. Matt discusses empowers listeners on how to conquer and recover all. In life there are some things worth fighting for. No longer will you allow the enemy to intimidate and hold captive key areas of your life. It’s time to purse, overtake and without fail - recover all! 
1 Sam 30:1-8; 18-19Psalms 30:5 2 Peter 1:4Deut 28:2Joel 2:25Proverbs 6:31

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

This podcast episode features Dr. Matt offering biblical insights on overcoming lack and embracing abundance. He emphasizes the true identity of believers, urging them to break free from scarcity and recognize their God-given potential to be "the head and not the tail," "above only and not beneath," and "lenders and not borrowers." Dr. Matt uses Jesus' first miracle at Cana—turning water into wine—as a powerful example. Tune in to discover how to prosper and defeat lack!
John 2:1-10
Deut 8:18
Deut 28:12
3 John 2
Phillipians 4:19
Psalms 37:4
Matt 6:21
Heb 11:1


About Us

Senior Leaders of Deeper Church:

Drs. Matthew and LaTasha Nesbitt are a dynamic couple called to ignite the purpose and passion of God in the lives of those they encounter. The Nesbitts aspire to reach the community, city, and world with the gospel presented through practicality, power, and demonstration.

These Illinois natives have been married since 2006 and are raising two incredible teenage children. They have lived in Los Angeles for the last seven years and are excited to bring hope and fresh ministry experience to the Southern California region. 

Join them Sundays at 11am for a 90-minute God encounter.

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